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Welcome to the creative website of UIndy Theatre. Theatre at the University of Indianapolis is part of the Department of Communication within the Shaheen College of Arts & Sciences. Theatre is located in Esch Hall, which houses the academic classrooms, the Costume Shop, faculty/staff offices, as well as the Ransburg Auditorium and the Studio Theatre. A quick walk around campus houses our Scene and Prop Shop.

UIndy Theatre stages two shows per year, for which students gain academic credit, as well as an Artists’ Showcase, which displays university talent as well as scenes developed from our acting and directing classes. One additional show every year is staged by our resident student company, UTC (UIndy Theatre Co). This show features a professional staging in town for which the acting and design team gets to claim professional credit.

Email or call 317-788-3265 to get more information or to set up a tour of UIndy Theatre.


KCACTF Hijinks!!

This January, five students traveled to Madison, WI for Region 3’s KCACTF conference. Two of our actors (Rae Cook and Natalie Sayer) participated in the Irene Ryan competition. Kaitlynn Miner participated in the musical theatre intensive and many other workshops and fun were had. Rae even volunteered to be on the Student Council for Region 3.

Rehearsals for Tick, Tick…Boom! set to begin

Starting Jan 13, rehearsals for Tick, Tick…Boom! will begin. We did our casting at the end of the first semester and we are excited and ready to begin. We have our cast and our design team set in place. Come April, we will be ready to stage this musical in the Ransburg Auditorium.

Here is the cast list:

Zac Schneider……………Jon
Casey Adams…………..Michael
Anna Miles……………Susan
Daily Burks……………..Karessa
Natalie Sayer…………..Rosa

Kaitlynn Miner
Kate Downey
Dason Tichenor
Sydney Rhodehamel
Olivia Kukor

Grant Williams…………..Director
Elizabeth Enderle……………Stage Manager
Audrey Scrogham…………Music Director
Melanie Eakman………..Choreographer
Mason Absher………….Set Design
Tim Dick……………..Lighting Design
Danielle Buckel………….Costume Design
Gabe Harlan………….Accompanist
Elaina DeLeon & Rae Cook………ASM

COME SEE US IN APRIL!!! Grab tickets here!

Auditions for Tick, Tick…Boom!–Dec 4th

Next semester we will bringing Jonathan Larson’s Tick, Tick…Boom! to the Ransburg stage. Auditions are almost here. Follow the QR code in the poster above, or linked here to sign up for a time.

Circle Mirror Transformation set to premiere.

The second show of our 2024-25 season, Circle Mirror Transformation by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Annie Baker, opens this Thursday in our Studio Theatre. This play features five participants in a community center acting class and the bonds that get forged and relationships that get strained. Featuring multimedia displays and an in-the-round audience seating, this play is the culmination of our THE 170: Experiential Theatre course. It features lighting design work by our Student Manager Zac Schneider and the contributions of our newest hire Mason Absher in Design/Tech.

The play will run Nov 14-16 and 21-23 at 7:00 and Nov 21 at 3:00 in the Studio Theatre.

UIndy & Creative Grounds Partnership

The University of Indianapolis would like to welcome Creative Grounds Fine Arts Academy as our Theatre-in-Residence, occupying our Ransburg Auditorium. Creative Grounds is a theatre youth program that holds acting classes, summer camps, and multiple musicals throughout the year in our proscenium space on the first floor of Esch Hall.

We are pleased to have Creative Grounds with us for the next few years, keeping the Ransburg space active and drawing new crowds to our spaces. Read an official article here and visit their website here.

Group of people cutting a ribbon.
Ceremonial ribbon cutting for the Creative Grounds/UIndy collaboration.


Actors in a circle.

UIndy Theatre is hard at work on our next play, Circle Mirror Transformation by Annie Baker. This playwright won a Pulitzer Prize for her 2014 play, The Flick. Circle Mirror is a play about an acting class at an adult community center in Vermont. Four individuals, along with the acting instructor, come together for six day-long acting intensives. Drama ensues, relationships strain, and revelations are made.

Cast members sitting in a circle with scripts.
Working through the script.

This play is being staged in-the-round in the Studio Theatre. The aim is to incorporate multimedia elements and explore the range of theatrical expression. The play will be directed by Grant Williams, with Assistant Directing credentials going to Dipper Dickerson. Mason Absher is providing Set Design and Zac Schneider is doing Lighting Design. The cast, along with the two directors are coordinating costumes. The Stage Managers are Elaina DeLeon and Dailyn Burks. The cast is:

Rae Cook……………Marty
Dee Woods………….James
Sloane Dubois………..Teresa
Jae’veon Fowler……..Schultz
Natalie Sayer…………Lauren

Vanessa Sanchez, Gillian Styers-Barnet, Pidge May, Kaitlynn Miner, Axel Osborne

The show opens in November and runs for two weekends. Navigate to the show page above to learn more and to purchase tickets. Hope to see you there!!


UIndy Theatre Represented at Indy Fringe Festival this August

All in the Timing artwork with show info written on a piece of paper in a typewriter.

UIndy Theatre Co., a student-run professional organization operating out of UIndy Theatre cast, rehearsed, directed, and staged All in the Timing by playwright David Ives. Taking on five classic pieces, such as Sure Thing and Words, Words, Words, from All in the Timing, senior theatre student Dee Woods directed four actors doubling into the parts and assisted by two stage managers. Two of the ensemble, Abigail Wittenmyer and Denisse Bravo-Perez, were recent UIndy graduates.

The cast performed five times to crowded houses, over a two-week period on the Cabaret stage in the District Theatre, then brought it back to UIndy in September to kick off out 2024-25 season.